The Art of Slow Creativity – Why I’m Choosing Blogging Over Social Media
For years, I believed success as a designer meant constantly showing up on social media until the endless demand to create for an algorithm drained the joy from my work. Now, I’m embracing slow creativity by stepping away from fleeting trends and returning to deeper storytelling, artistic exploration, and creating on my own terms. If you, too, feel the pull toward something more meaningful, I’d love for you to follow along.
The Graveyard of Mistley Towers
Welcome to the first blog post in the Graveyard series. Where we explore historical and haunted graveyards from around the UK.
Gathering Inspiration - Walled Tudor Gardens
Join me on a walk around the beautiful walled gardens of Cressing Temple Barns.
A couple of weeks ago, armed with my trusty camera, I ventured into the walled garden at Cressing Temple Barns, to gather inspiration for my next pattern collection.
What is Surface Pattern Design?
You may have heard the term "Surface Pattern Design" before and wondered what it means. When I tell people I’m a surface pattern designer, I often get blank stares. It sounds like a fancy title, but it simply refers to a designer who creates patterns for products.